Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Recently, i'm soooooooooooo crazy bout boots..xkira lah thigh boots ke ankle boots ke..yg pnting boots..*haha even with ur casual wear a.k.a daily wear pun still can look stylish with boots! dun belive me eh? let's take a look~c? simple but nice kn? suke2 *hehhe

this one nmpak slesa gler ble pkai kan? bleh la marathon jln kaki p mne2 shupink complex..without having those pain..u know, those heels...nk nmpak howt pnyer psl..hahah~

this 1 is thigh boots..cntik when u wear it with i prefer the shorter 1 boots ..must have items for this month..kne la start kumpul duet -.-"

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