Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nescafe on the Life

Hi everyone! How are you guys been doing?? Okay , here's the thing..imagine what would you do if you were given RM500 cash ?? I don't know about you boys would do..but we as girls of course the word "shopping" would be the first thing on our mind!! Imagine how we are gonna spend with the money plus with the year end sale?? It would be perfect !!

And you'll get new handbag , new shoes & heels , clothes , dress , new ermm..I mean everything you want & look great by new year with new spirit ! Isn't life great ?? Alright let's get back to reality , here's how you you gonna stand a chance to win RM500 ! You only need two steps , I know it's two steps only..easy right??

First click THIS to go to the site..

Then you'll see this page !

  How to join?? Follow the instructions..choose one of the aspiration that best represent you ! As for me I'll choose Collector of sights !

Then take photo of it and upload it via Instagram..EASY ! You know what , you guys are lucky to have Instagram..I'm a Blackberry user so I don't have Instagram...yeah I know , my life's suck sometimes but hey you guys will have one less competitors right?? hahah..

And for more info to win Cash and Prizes worth a total of RM28 000 , please visit their facebook HERE

Till then , good luck guys !

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